• France September 2016 Wellness and Prosperity Conference

    Come and join me for a special limited place event in the South of France. In September 2015 we will be holding our first bi-annual Wellness and Prosperity conference in the South of France.

    Places are limited so book now.


    France September 2016 Wellness and Prosperity Conference
  • Natural Healing and Wellbeing

    At Missyfitty.com we have sourced hundreds of recipes and healthy eating tips to ensure you achieve your target of wholesome, bright and healthy foods to keep you in tip top shape with high energy levels.

    Natural Healing and Wellbeing
  • Fitness

    Missyfitty.com is committed to helping you achieve your goals as quickly as possible, and then to sustain them. With a focus on nature and exercises designed to bring results, you are most definitely in the right place.

  • Nutrition and Diet

    Missyfitty.com promotes a natural and balanced approached to having the life, body and energy of your dreams. With a host of diet plans and complimentary fitness and wellbeing plans, you are assured of achieving your goals.

    Nutrition and Diet
  • Welcome to Missyfitty.com

    Welcome to a world of fitness, wellbeing and energy. Missyfitty.com is the largest natural wellness and fitness community on the net. With a host of professionals blogging daily, you are assured of cutting edge hints and tips to give you the energy, health and body you deserve.

    Welcome to Missyfitty.com

Welcome to MissyFitty.com

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As well as being a fountain of fitness and wellbeing knowledge for you, I am your guide and fellow explorer.

The things I know and want to share with you are coming from generations ago, and have been passed down through the years resulting in a philosophy of well being that is second to none.

My grandmother has shared centuries worth of interesting and amazing things with me whilst I was spending my summers with her as a child, whereas other things come to us as we go through our life experience.


I am a big believer in the energy of nature and natural cures and remedies. I’ve been testing and proving things on myself and my family, and we have seen some amazing results that I would like to share with you here.

I am sure that man made medicines will help for a short while, but the side effects and harm caused in the long term can be frightening. Also, more often than not, prescription remedies deal with the symptoms rather than the cause and can leave you dependent on medications. We want you to find what’s right for you, and help you better understand yourself in a natural way.

If we come from nature then it would make sense to use it’s own resources to keep us in good health, feeling well and energized. Don’t you feel amazing when the sun is shining and birds are singing?!


Singing with joy

Of course life is all about your own perception. Some people are very happy with a little and some seriously miserable with a lot!!!!!!!!! But do we really need a lot? And if yes, a lot of what?  For some it’s love, money, or both…a good  job, good health etc. Defining what happiness means to you is crucial, and taking small steps towards attaining your life goals proven to be more effective. A successful life is built on a strong mind, as Henry Ford said, ‘whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.’

Everything is a state of mind and in order to get something you wish you need to be mentally efficient. That’s when being physically strong can help boost the mind to become the best you can  be for attracting what you wish through discipline and lots of milestones towards your goal. Mind-body-spirit are interlinked.

Did you know that an aeroplane is off course for 90% of its journey? There will be many times when you feel off course, but keep working and correcting yourself and you will get there.

By applying the last two to your physical body will encourage the mind to follow, there won’t be another choice-so called inevitable connection, that’s  a really good news guys!

My approach to fitness has been an ongoing process of isolating certain things and combining them together, I’ve tried loads of exercises, modified a large amount of them to my own liking and what’s really interesting they started to give better results after my own alternation. Diet doesn’t work on its own, neither does only fitness, they walk together forever… And your mind is playing the most important role in your well being. We constantly have got an uncountable amount of thoughts going through our heads every day, whether they are good, bad, inspiring, motivational, healthy or destructive – depends on you!!! If we want the life we truly deserve we have to be responsible for the kind of thoughts we have, we are in control, we do make choices ourselves.

Follow these simple steps to find your new self – absolutely free. I love what I do and I want to share it with you. Just try, it doesn’t take long (in fact how much time does it take for your coffee to be brewed?!) You can you use this time, of course if you’re willing to do so. Does your health means a lot to you or are you letting your health to take care of itself through poor choices you make? Think about it.

Don’t try to change everything in one day, one week, or one month… give yourself time, enjoy every step (life is a journey, not a destination!) Why to put your self under unpleasant painful pressure and give up when you underachieve just because you didn’t yourself enough time… quick fixes don’t work for a long time, they are temporary. Do you want a long lasting result, a total lifestyle change then give yourself time, don’t drug it either though, you need to have a deadline that’s what will make feel in the zone. Bad habits die hard as you probably know. The minimum period of time for a habit change is 21 days or 3 weeks. That’s when change comes in things you focus on in your well being and your life.

Think about compound effect: little by little the water makes a rough edgy piece of rock into a smooth round stone… it doesn’t just happen like ”boom”, it takes time! Chunk it down!

Everything for nutrition and diet, the best advice all in one place.

Fitness exercises to help you create the body and wellness you deserve in easy to follow steps.

Healthy mind, healthy body… or Healthy body, healthy mind? Either way, its all here, everything for a healthy body and mind!

Flexibility, strong body and good nutrition. Everything you need for a better you and a happier life.

I was depressed, overweight and lacked confidence. Thanks to MissyFitty.com I am slimmer, healthier and full of energy. Thank you.–Joanne Hart,Warrington

I tried so many diets and I would lose weight for a while, but then I would just put the weight back on as soon as I finished my diet. Thanks to Missyfitty.com I have changed my lifestyle for the long term, and the weight is off!–Jenny Harrison, Southampton

I was always tired and bloated. When I noticed how lethargic I felt, I went looking for a want to feel better. I learned so much from MissyFitty.com and now I feel light again and am enjoying how I look and feel.–Sarah Matthews, Leeds


We are here for you, together we can achieve our goals. To get in touch for more information and to arrange an appointment then please message me below.


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